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/ PC-SIG: World of Education / PC-SiG's World of Education.iso / wor / disk2333.zip

Jump To: Text (22)  |  Other (4)

Text (22)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
ADCOPY.FX Text File 521 3KB 1991-04-21
ADCOPY.TXT Text File 75 3KB 1989-01-26
BUREAU.TXT Text File 54 3KB 1989-01-26
CHILD.TXT Text File 39 2KB 1989-01-25
EXAMPLE.TXT Text File 33 2KB 1989-01-25
FILE2333.TXT Text File 29 2KB 1991-06-11
GO.BAT DOS Batch File 8 106b 1991-06-11
GOODGOV.TXT Text File 97 5KB 1989-01-26
GOVREP.TXT Text File 67 3KB 1989-01-26
MAGAZINE.TXT Text File 170 10KB 1989-01-25
NOVEL.TXT Text File 81 5KB 1989-01-25
NWSPAPER.TXT Text File 22 1KB 1989-01-25
READ.DOC Text File 1,837 65KB 1991-04-15
README.DOC Text File 76 3KB 1991-04-20
REGISTER.DOC Text File 80 3KB 1991-04-20
SAWYER Text File 258 13KB 1988-03-26
SAWYER.FX Text File 1,633 8KB 1990-07-10
SAWYER.FY Text File 79 964b 1990-07-10
SAWYER.FZ Text File 10 81b 1990-07-10
SYNLIST.RDB Text File 1,076 43KB 1991-04-21
TECHMAN.TXT Text File 68 3KB 1989-01-26
WPROC.RDB Text File 2 3b 1989-01-26

Other Files (4)
GETYN.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 149b 1987-04-26
PREVIEW.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 7KB 1991-04-18
READ.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 78KB 1989-07-12
SCAN.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 37KB 1990-07-11